About Event:

Future of Education 2020 encourages the community of multinational researchers to share their common experiences and discussions. In the history of the Future of Education series, the conferences have been held in two different countries. The Future Education 2018 conference was held in Colombo, Sri Lanka, and Future Education 2019 in Bangkok, Thailand. With the overwhelming support and acknowledgment from all the delegates of the past series, we wish to pioneer a way to another outstanding event. INNOVATING WITH QUALITY FOR THE FUTURE Educational research has shaped our understanding of the processes involved in teaching and learning and has enabled educators to engage in more effective instructional practices that yield better learning than intuitive approaches provide. Researchers continue to make new — and sometimes surprising — discoveries that advance the field. As we innovate, we must be diligent to examine the durability of new research findings over time and across contexts. The Future of Education 2020 conference is a venue for sharing evidence of innovations, large or small, that show promise of improving the future of education globally. Proposals that demonstrate the durability of previous innovations are equally welcome. The focus of all proposals should be on how to make the future of education even more successful than it is today. CAREER DEVELOPMENT AND NETWORKING OPPORTUNITIES Future of Education 2020 is designed to develop the career of the academicians while increasing opportunities for their future. Renowned resource persons in the Education field will conduct Special Workshops during the conference. Thus, this conference provides an opportunity for all to network, share ideas, and present their research to a worldwide community. Discussion on the latest innovations, trends and practical concerns and challenges faced in the Education field will be further discussed. There will be optional social events for the participants including Networking Dinner and Post Conference Tour. MAINTAINING HIGH-QUALITY CONFERENCE STANDARDS AND PUBLICATION STANDARDS The conference is specially designed by the TIIKM Research and Development team together with a committee of experts from international universities with the guidance of the Academic Governing Body of TIIKM conferences. Future of Education 2020 is under the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Date and Time:

29 Oct 2020-30 Oct 2020 ,
04:00 am-05:30 am