
sectorwise webinar

Cyber Security in the Era of Digital

Global India Business Forum

organized a session on the

Digital era

, we are breathing inside the




is having an increasingly significant impact on all parts of our lives and businesses. We're seeing a lot of

machine learning


artificial intelligence

tools as well as a lot of software, hardware, and

cloud infrastructure

is used. We are breathing inside Cyberspace in this Digital era. The term "cyberspace" refers to the "virtual computer world" or "Internet Connected System." In India, we are on the verge of modernization and globalization in order to become a smart city. Mr.Aditya Sawant,Chief Executive Officer at Aquila,Mumbai, Maharashtra, India covered the topic on how cyber security affects organisations and employees. A wide range of direct or

intangible costs

that contribute to the overall impact of a major cyber incident was explained by and explained the fourteen cyberattack impact factors and the cyber adversary of the 21st century by Pawan Desai, Co-founder & CEO - MitKat Advisory Services,

Cyber Security

. Vivek Vijay Sarkale, Senior Consultant and Threat Intelligence Research Lead for

DSCI Delhi

, India Elaborated on Dynamic Treat Landscape and potential risks, Transforming nature of

enterprise security

, the risks arising from the pandemic. And lastly COL Sanjeev Relia (RETD), Senior Advisor, Cyber Security Delhi, India Spoke on India as a nation facing a

cyber threat

, Critical Info Infrastructure and why there is a threat to CII, What is the threat, and what needs to be done? This was followed by an interactive Q&A session hosted by Ranjeet Shekdar elaborating more on the topic “Cyber Security in the Era of Digital”.

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