GIBF helped understand the complex world of AI through the topic “Artificial Intelligence -
A Guide for Thinking Humans”. GIBF is always keen on getting different topics and sectors
covered. This webinar was conducted on June 14
th from 4:00 P.M to 5:30 P.M. The panel of
speakers graced this event were Vishal Ramanathan (Project Officer, Delta-NTU Corporate Lab
for Cyber-Physical System) Singapore, Mr. Rajeev Khade (Vice President Global Information
Technology) Pune and Mr. Avnish Kumar (Founder and CEO - LivNSense Technologies Pvt Ltd)
Bangalore. Speakers gave their views on AI to help Robots learn tasks that human operators
perform specifically in manufacturing and assembly scenarios, how AI is augmenting Humans in
manufacturing, identify the latest trends in evaluating, adapting, and scaling the platforms
for diverse data to accelerate decisions, along with a comprehensive understanding of how AI
platform approach will help them focus more on innovation and deep analytics. Also emphasize
recent areas of more optimized research techniques in AI computing, healthcare, autonomous
vehicles, manufacturing, internet of things, robotics, AI, ML, and big data analytics. A
comprehensive understanding of these topics was done through an interactive Q and A session.
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