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Ambassador and Consul General

India - Papua New Guinea Business and Cultural Council

The High Commissioner of Papua New Guinea H.E. Paulias Korni, OBE has accepted the Honorary Membership of Global India Business Forum, in the presence of Global President of GIBF, Dr. Jitendra Joshi and Co-Founder & Director - Global Operations, Deepali Gadkari explained activities of GIBF to support MSME sector globally. Realizing the strengths of Global India Business Forum and the Consulate of Papua New Guinea and conscious of the benefits to be derived by both organizations and its members through this mutual understanding, both parties will be associated with each other in mutual cooperation to facilitate mutual investment, trade and economic cooperation complimented by knowledge sharing, training, certification and networking.

Gold, Oil, Copper, Coffee, Cocoa

Fuel, Rice, Vehicles, Heavy Machinery, Iron and steel


About Papua New Guinea

ABOUT Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea is officially the Independent State of Papua New Guinea is a country in Oceania that occupies the eastern half of the island of New Guinea and its offshore islands in Melanesia, a region of the south western Pacific Ocean north of Australia. Its capital, located along its south eastern coast, is Port Moresby. Papua New Guinea is richly endowed with natural resources, including mineral and renewable resources, such as forests, marine (including a large portion of the world's major tuna stocks), and in some parts agriculture. The rugged terrain—including high mountain ranges and valleys, swamps and islands—and high cost of developing infrastructure, combined with other factors (including law and order problems in some centres and the system of customary land title) makes it difficult for outside developers. Local developers are handicapped by years of deficient investment in education, health, and access to finance. Agriculture, for subsistence and cash crops, provides a livelihood for 85% of the population and continues to provide some 30% of GDP. Mineral deposits, including gold, oil, and copper accounts for 72% of export earnings


Business Opportunities in Papua New Guinea


Papua New Guinea is one of the most culturally diverse countries, with nearly 900 languages, though 12 are now extinct. Its population of over 7 million largely lives in rural, traditional communities, with only 18% in urban areas. Business opportunities abound, including hotels and resorts to attract tourists to its beautiful beaches, export processing firms to capitalize on its rich mineral resources like copper, gold, and oil, and agriculture, which employs 85% of the population with key crops like oil palm, rubber, coconut, cocoa, and tea. Additionally, there are opportunities in ICT and healthcare to address high rates of HIV/AIDS and maternal and infant mortality.

Business Opportunities in Papua New Guine
Exports and Imports In  Papua New Guinea

Exports and Imports In Papua New Guinea

Overview In 2022, Papua New Guinea was the number 102 economy in the world in terms of GDP (current US$), the number 87 in total exports, the number 141 in total imports, the number 133 economy in terms of GDP per capita (current US$) and the number 125 most complex economy according to the Economic Complexity Index (ECI)
Top Exports of Papua New Guinea

Top Exports of Papua New Guinea

The top exports of Papua New Guinea are Petroleum Gas ($7.71B), Gold ($1.74B), Palm Oil ($1.03B), Crude Petroleum ($934M), and Copper Ore ($826M), exporting mostly to Japan ($4.03B), China ($3.44B), Australia ($1.74B), South Korea ($1.48B), and Chinese Taipei ($1.46B).
Top Imports ofPapua New Guinea

Top Imports of Papua New Guinea

The top imports of Papua New Guinea are Refined Petroleum ($858M), Rice ($160M), Excavation Machinery ($123M), Delivery Trucks ($114M), and Broadcasting Equipment ($104M), importing mostly from China ($1.43B), Australia ($1.27B), Singapore ($857M), Malaysia ($508M), and Indonesia ($245M).
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