
Ambassador and Consul General


The Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco, Mr. Mohamed Maliki has accepted the Honorary Membership of Global India Business Forum. in the presence of Global President Dr. Jitendra Joshi and Director of Global Operations Ms. Deepali Gadkari also explained activities of GIBF to support MSME sector globally. Realizing the strengths of Global India Business Forum and the Consulate of the Kingdom of Morocco and conscious of the benefits to be derived by both organizations and its members through this mutual understanding, both parties will be associated with each other in mutual cooperation to facilitate mutual investment, trade and economic cooperation complimented by knowledge sharing, training, certification and networking.

Crude petroleum, Textile fabric, Telecommunications equipment, Wheat, Transistors

Electric component, Inorganic chemicals, Citrus fruits, Vegetables, Fish




Morocco officially the Kingdom of Morocco, is a country located in the Maghreb region of North Africa. It overlooks the Mediterranean Sea to the north and the Atlantic Ocean to the west, and has land borders with Algeria to the east and the disputed territory of Western Sahara to the south. The capital is Rabat and the largest city is Casablanca.Morocco's economy is considered a relatively liberal economy governed by the law of supply and demand. Since 1993, the country has followed a policy of privatisation of certain economic sectors which used to be in the hands of the government. Morocco has become a major player in African economic affairs, and is the fifth largest economy in Africa by GDP (PPP).Tourism is one of the most important sectors in Moroccan economy. It is well developed with a strong tourist industry focused on the country's coast, culture, and history. Morocco attracted more than 13 million tourists in 2019. Tourism is the second largest foreign exchange earner in Morocco after the phosphate industry.




Morocco is not only a favoured destination for tourists and travellers but also an attractive country for foreign investors. Both local and foreign investors are increasingly exploring new business opportunities in Morocco. Being an important player in the EMEA region and featuring high economic growth in recent years, Morocco is now considered a fresh market for new projects and investments. Business Ideas and Opportunities in Morocco Diesel supplyThe oil and gas industry is one of the most lucrative zones in the world. In Morocco, it adds to the country’s economic output, making it extremely important in aiding economic development in the nation. While this industry remains a great source of revenue for the country, a few individuals are taking advantage of it to create fascinating businesses. Hotel BusinessThere is real money in hotel and hospitality industry and you can become part of it starting from today.For a small starter, your hotels don’t have to be big, just something small in form of a mini lodge, beer parlour, and small restaurant.Moroccan are heavy spenders when it comes to merriment and good life and hotel business in one avenue through which you can tap from such heavy spending.AgricultureAgriculture is mostly the back bone of human survival – it has been sustaining mankind over the ages. Without it, there will be no food to eat and no raw materials for our different industrial use. Through agriculture we can produce enough food for ourselves and to others who will readily buy from us and make us rich And Wealthy. Agriculture in Morocco as a source of income is still highly beneficial for the nation and other Africa as a continent, because of the abundance of farmable lands and an increase in the number of yearly entrants.E-Commerce distribution centreE-commerce in Morocco is growing rapidly especially with the COVID19 lockdowns. Many small and medium businesses have shifted to online platforms. However, with these new circumstances there aren’t many delivery services in Morocco to satisfy the urgent demand. This business idea would help fix that by creating a service where medium and small business enterprises can have their products shipped. This will ultimately increase their exposure in the market and help them to grow.



Exports in Morocco increased to 24827 MAD Million in December from 24745 MAD Million in November of 2020. Phosphates and textiles are central to Morocco's export industry. Other exports items include electric components, inorganic chemicals, transistors, citrus fruits, vegetables, Fish. Morocco main exports partners are European Union countries with Spain, France and Italy being the most important


Phosphates and textiles are central to Morocco's export industry. Other exports items include electric components, inorganic chemicals, transistors, citrus fruits, vegetables, fish. Morocco main exports partners are European Union countries with Spain, France and Italy being the most important.


Imports in Morocco increased to 39964 MAD Million in December from 35497 MAD Million in November of 2020. Morocco imports crude petroleum, textile fabric, telecommunications equipment, wheat, gas and electricity, transistors, plastics. Its main imports partners are: France, Spain, China, Italy, Germany, United States and Saudi Arabia
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