Global India Business Forum

Global India Business Forum Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
Global India Business Forum is fully committed to protecting your confidential information. If you as a visitor choose to register or submit information to this website, you agree to the use of such data in accordance with this privacy policy. Please note that this website may contain links to other sites which may not be governed by this privacy policy.
We collect and store confidential information including, but not limited to your name, email address, telephone numbers, your company information, financial information, transactional information based on your activities on the website, computer and connection information, statistics on page views, traffic information, ad data, IP address, standard web log information and supplemental information from third parties such as Google Analytics. If you would like to opt out of such implementations please stop using the website.We might post testimonials on our website obtained from users` and these could include your name, company, city and other personal information. We obtain permission from our users` prior to posting their testimonials on the website and are not responsible for any personal information a user might include in their testimonial.
GIBF is fully committed to protecting your confidential information. But in unforseen circumstances of technical failures or malfunctions, Ye forum will not be responsible for any damage or loss resulting from it. If GIBF undergoes merger, acquisition or an asset sale and your confidential information is part of the transferred assets, the new privacy policy decided at the time of the transaction would govern your confidential information. Any changes to the privacy policy governing your information as a result of transaction would be communicated on the website or by email. When you receive contact details of potential counter parties, the counter party reserves the right to remove their information from your database. If you would like to close your account, please contact us and we shall process your request at the earliest. We regularly clean our data and might close your account if your account for inactivity or for any other reason which may improve our website. We retain confidential information from closed accounts to derive industry knowledge, comply with law, prevent fraud, collect any fees owed, resolve disputes and take other actions otherwise permitted by law. We reserve the right to amend this Privacy Policy at any time and for any reason.
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We may use your confidential information for the following purposes:
To display your profile/advertisement on the website to facilitate our services
To provide contact information to relevant parties after your approval.
To derive and share industry knowledge including valuation multiples, profit margins, transaction structures, key drivers, challenges, etc.
To send you information about GIBF, our services, service updates, and promotional offers.
To improve our services, collect fees, enforce our policies, and enforce our Terms and Conditions.
To resolve disputes, respond to legal requirements, prevent potentially prohibited or illegal activities, and protect anyone`s rights, property, and safety.