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Madhya Pradesh Small Scale Industries Organization

Madhya Pradesh Small Scale Industries Organization was established in 1959-60. Madhya Pradesh Small Scale Industries Organization is an apex organization for micro, small & medium enterprises right from its establishment. The organization is working for development, protection & expansion of MSME sector in Madhya Pradesh. The organization is having representation in almost in all the advisory boards related to trade & industry in the state government as well as at central government. The organization is also having representation in the Empowered Committee Constituted by the Reserve Bank of India. Thus the organization is able to present the suggestion, demands & relaxations to the government for strengthening the MSME. Marketing is the major area, where micro & small industry require support. The organization came forward for this cause under the dynamic leadership of organization’s head & the members participated in various trade fairs in and out side the country. This activity have given enough confidence to small scale industries that they are having lot of potential & ability to sale their products on global basis. The govt. of India have also awarded & support the financial assistance to the organization for it’s upliftment. The German organization like ZDH. SEQUA have come forward for partnership with organization to support the MSME BMO’s of Mahdya Pradesh. Bulletin “UDYAM PRERNA” is the face of the organization. This bulleting has become one of the most wanted magazine for industry as it contains matter related to trade & industry, Individuals, Govt. Notifications, state/central govt. policies & many matter related to direct/indirect taxes, excise, promotional activities & the success story of entrepreneurs. It is lively magazine to go through it. The magazine is widely circulated to the members, associations, govt. officials & to the other benefituries.
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