GIBF Country Connect Webinar 2020
Business Opportunities in Palau
Global India Business Forum conducted a webinar on September 19th, 2020 to discuss the
business opportunities in Palau. Among the panelists present were, Dr. Jitendra Joshi,
Global President, Global India Business Forum, Dr. Ashutosh Misal, Corporate HR Trainer and
Host of the event, Mr. Neeraj Sharma, Honourary Consul General of the Republic of Palau to
India and Mr. Manpreet Singh Nagi, President, Indian Chambers of International Business
(ICIB). Mr. Neeraj Sharma shed light upon the top imports and exports of Palau. Mr. Sharma
also said that Palau is the only country in the world to have zero COVID+ cases. He spoke
about how having one of the lowest populations in the world has only helped the country in a
positive manner. This country also has a very high per-capita income, which is higher than
Philippines, and is close to $9000 p.a. which should bring the attention of MSMEs to this
important fact. Some of the biggest sectors contributing to the country’s economy are
tourism and the fishing industry as well. Another advantage that Palau enjoys is its
geographical location as it is surrounded by islands and there is immense movement of
population and goods between these islands. All of these factors act as strengths of the
country and also have the ability to attractive high amount of business opportunities from
other countries.